Navy Occupation Service |
- To commemorate the services performed by the personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard in the occupation of the territories of the
enemies of the United States during World War II, and subsequent to the surrender of those enemies, the Navy Occupation Service Medal was established
and will be awarded to individuals of the above named services who participated in such occupation according to the requirements of eligibility
hereinafter set forth. It is further provided that the Secretary of the Navy may tender this medal to personnel of the Army or other components of
the Armed Forces of the United States for services which he may determine to be commensurate and consistent with the services for which the award
is made to personnel in the naval service.
- Eligibility for the above medal requires that the individual shall have been attached to, present, and serving on permanent duty with an
organization in the naval service of the United States, or otherwise as provided in paragraph 1 above, during those periods of time when such
organization has been credited by the Secretary of the Navy with having performed duty in the occupation of enemy, or former enemy, national territory.
Service in a passenger status, or as an observer, visitor, courier, escort, inspector, or other similar status when not permanently attached to an
eligible unit, is not creditable towards eligibility for the above medal.
- Occupation duty in the European-African-Middle Eastern area shall be credited to organizations for duty performed on and subsequent to 8 May
1945, on shore in such parts of Germany and Austria, and from 8 May 1945 to 15 December 1947 in Italy and in such parts of other territories recognized
as sovereign to those countries, as are under governmental control of the United States, or of an ally of the United States during World War II, or in
ships operating in such home or territorial waters or contiguous ocean area in direct support of occupation or in aircraft based upon and operating from
such territories or ships. Services performed in the European-African-Middle Eastern area between 9 May and 8 November 1945, inclusive, shall not be
credited toward individual eligibility for the Navy Occupation Service Medal unless the individual is already eligible for the European-African-Middle
Eastern Campaign Medal for services performed prior to 8 May 1945.
- Occupation duty in the Asiatic-Pacific area shall be credited to organizations for duty performed between 2 September 1945 and 27 April 1952, on shore in such parts of Japan and in such territories recognized as sovereign to Japan, and in such parts of Korea and such adjacent Islands as are recognized
to be Korean, but exclusive of all the mandated territory formerly administered by Japan, as are under the governmental control of the United States, or of an
ally of the United States during World War II, or in ships operating in such home or territorial waters or contiguous ocean areas in direct support of occupation
or in aircraft based upon and operating from such territories or ships. Service in the Korean area, on and subsequent to 27 June 1950, determined by ComNavFE as
eligible for the Korean Service Medal, will not be creditable towards eligibility for the Occupation Service Medal. Services performed in the Asiatic-Pacific
area between 3 September 1945 and 2 March 1946, inclusive, shall not be credited toward individual eligibility for the Navy Occupation Service Medal unless the
individual is already eligible for the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal for services performed prior to 2 September 1945.
- The Navy Occupation Service Medal shall not be awarded for any service for which another medal is authorized, except as provided in paragraphs 3 and 4
above. Not more than one Navy Occupation Service Medal will be awarded to any individual regardless of whether service has been performed in different areas
or places at different intervals of time. Appropriate clasps marked "Europe" and "Asia" are authorized to be attached to the ribbon of the medal to denote
service in Europe and Asia respectively. No distinctive device to denote possession of the above clasps is authorized for wearing on the service ribbon.
- Naval personnel serving ninety consecutive days or more on permanent or temporary duty while assigned or attached to a unit which has been
designated by the Chief of Naval Operations as participating in direct support of the Berlin Airlift between 26 June 1948 and 30 September 1949 are
eligible for the Navy Occupation Service Medal and the Berlin Airlift Device. The Berlin Airlift Device is a gold-colored miniature of a C-54 type
aircraft and is to be worn on the service ribbon and suspension ribbon of the Navy Occupation Service Medal with the nose pointing upward at a
thirty-degree angle and toward the wearer's own right. The device is of three-eighths inch wing span, other dimensions proportionate. (See Part II (c)
for list of units eligible.)
- Individuals in the naval service who have been or may be tendered the Army of Occupation Service Medal by the Department of the Army and who become
eligible for the Navy Occupation Service Medal shall not be entitled to both medals, but may elect which medal to accept. By agreement between the Army
and Navy Departments, however the Army of Occupation Medal will be awarded only to Army personnel and the Navy Occupation Service Medal will be
awarded only to personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Personnel enumerated above who, by virtue of their having served under Army command
and who will not be awarded the Army of Occupation Medal as a result of the above agreement with the Department of the Army, will, if otherwise eligible,
submit application to the Bureau of Naval Personnel, via appro- [Editors Note: the remainder of this sentence was missing from the source document]
Service Medal. (ALNAV 25 of 22 Jan. 1947; N. D. G. O. No. 255 of 28 Jan. 1948.)
China Service (Extended) |
- The commemorative purposes for which the China Service Medal was established and authorized by General Order No. 176, dated 1 July 1942, are
extended to include the services performed by personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard during the operations in China subsequent to 2
September 1945, and until a terminal date to be designated. It is further provided that the Secretary of the Navy may tender this medal to personnel
of the Army or other components of the Armed Forces of the United States for service which he may determine to be commensurate to and consistent with
the services for which the award is made to personnel in the naval service, and this provision for tender shall apply for all periods of time for which
award of this medal is authorized.
- The medal will be awarded to individuals who shall have been attached to, present, and serving on permanent duty with an organization of the
naval service of the United States credited by the Secretary of the Navy with having participated in operations in China. Service In a passenger status,
or as an observer, visitor, courier, escort, inspector, or other similar status when not permanently attached to an eligible unit, is not creditable toward
eligibility for the above medal. Services performed in the Asiatic-Pacific area between 3 September 1945 and 2 March 1946, inclusive, shall not be credited
toward individual eligibility for the China Service Medal unless the individual is already eligible for the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal for services
performed prior to 2 September 1945.
- Organizations will, consistent with the above dates, be credited with qualifying service for services performed on shore in China and such adjacent
islands and territories as are recognized to be Chinese, or in ships operating in such territorial waters or contiguous ocean areas, or in aircraft based
upon and operating from such territories or ships.
- The China Service Medal shall not be awarded for any service for which another service medal is authorized except as provided in paragraph 2 above
and not more than one medal shall be awarded to any individual. No clasps, distinguishing devices, or other insignia are authorized to be worn on the
corresponding service ribbon except that Individuals to whom the medal has been or may be awarded for service performed under General Order No. 176, of
1 July 1942, shall upon becoming eligible for this award for service performed subsequent to 2 September 1945, wear a bronze star signifying the second
award on the ribbon of the medal and on the service ribbon.
- Nothing contained herein shall be construed as altering or otherwise affecting the conditions for which the China Service Medal was awarded by
General Order No. 176, of 1 July 1942, except as provided for tender to other services as provided in paragraph 1 above. (ALNAV 25 of 22 Jan, 1947; N.
D. G. O. No. 255 of 28 Jan, 1948.)
The following is a list of ships and units credited by the Secretary of the Navy as qualified for the Navy Occupation Service
Medal and China Service Medal (extended) for the periods indicated. This list includes certain ships which performed shuttle service between Japanese,
Korean and Chinese areas which are credited as qualified for both medals. To be eligible for either or both medals, individuals attached to such ships or
units must meet the requirements set forth in Parts I (A) and (B) above. Errors in the following list should be reported to the Chief of Naval Personnel
The following contains a ship list for the Navy Occupation and China Service Medal (extended)
(information obtained from Navy and Marine Corps Award Manual 1953) |