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Antarctica Service
Military Medal & Militry Ribbon

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a. Authorization. P.L. 86-600 of 7 July 1960.

b. Antarctica Service Medal Eligibility Requirements. Subsequent to 1 January 1946 until a date to be determined, each person who meets the qualifications of any of the subparagraphs below shall be eligible to receive the Antarctica Service Medal. For the purpose of this paragraph, Antarctica is defined as the area south of latitude 60 degrees south.

(1) Any member of the U.S. Armed Forces or civilian citizen, national or resident alien of the United States who participates in scientific, direct support, or exploration operations in Antarctica as a member of a U.S. expedition.

(2) Any member of the U.S. Armed Forces or civilian citizen, national or resident alien of the United States who participates in a foreign Antarctic expedition, in coordination with a U.S. Antarctic expedition, and who is under the sponsorship and approval of competent U.S. government authority.

(3) Any member of the U.S. Armed Forces who participates in flights as a crew member of an aircraft flying to or from the Antarctic Continent, in support of operations in Antarctica.

(4) Any member of the U.S. Armed Forces or civilian citizen, national or resident alien of the United States who serves in a United States ship operating south of latitude 60 degrees south, in support of U.S. programs in Antarctica.

(5) The Secretary of the Department, under whose cognizance the expedition falls, may approve the Antarctica Service Medal for any person, including a citizen of a foreign nation, who does not fulfill the qualifications under subparagraphs (1) through (4) above, or the following paragraphs establishing the time requirements of participation, but who participates in a U.S. Antarctic expedition at the invitation of a participating U.S. agency, provided the commander of the military support force, as senior U.S. representative in Antarctica, determines that the individual shared the hardships and hazards of the expedition, and that his/her service was outstanding and exceptional.

(6) Prior to 1 June 1973, there is no period of service requirement for Antarctica Service Medal eligibility. Beginning 1 June 1973, the requirement is 30 days under competent orders to duty at sea or ashore, south of latitude 60 degrees south. Days do not have to be consecutive. The following exceptions apply:

(a) Each day of duty under competent orders at any remote, outlying station on the Antarctic Continent will count as two days when determining Antarctica Service Medal award eligibility.

(b) Effective 1 July 1987, flight crews of aircraft providing logistics support from outside the Antarctic area may earn the medal based on 15 missions into the area. One "mission" consists of one flight in and one flight out of the area. When an aircrew is required to remain overnight due to weather or other circumstances, members earn one day for each actual day spent in the area of eligibility (AOE). A combination of missions flown and days in the AOE may be used to establish Antarctica Service Medal award eligibility, with one mission equal to two days.

c. Medal Attachments

(1) Clasps. Personnel who stay on the Antarctic Continent during the winter months shall be eligible to wear a bronze clasp with the words 'Wintered Over" on the suspension ribbon of the large medal only. A gold clasp is authorized for the second wintering over period, and a silver clasp is worn to denote the third or subsequent wintering over period. Not more than one clasp shall be worn on the suspension ribbon of the medal. The winter period is from mid-March to early October. The summer period is from early October to mid-March.

(2) Disks. The first wintering over eligibility will be denoted by a 5/16-inch bronze disk with an outline of the Antarctic Continent inscribed thereon worn on the miniature Antarctica Service Medal suspension ribbon or ribbon bar representing the medal. (Disk is worn with peninsula pointing up.) A gold disk will represent the second wintering over period. A silver disk will represent the third or subsequent wintering over period. Not more than one disk shall be worn on the ribbon bar.

d. Awarding Authority. CNO (DNS-35) is the awarding authority and maintains the list of eligible ships and units. e. Subsequent Awards. Subsequent awards are not. authorized.

Authorized Devices:
Bronze Winter Over Disk-1 winter
Gold Wintered Over Disk-2 winters
Silver Wintered Over Disk-3 winters

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