DOT 9-11 Ribbon (Lapel Pin for Civilians).
a. Eligibility Requirements. Awarded to an individual serving in any capacity within
the DOT, Merchant Marines, or other civilians, for an act or service that contributed
to recovery from the attacks of 11 September 2001, force protection following the
attacks, or efforts that directly contributed to the increased infrastructure security
effort between 11 September 2001 and 11 September
2002. The award may be
made posthumously and the decoration and
certificate presented to the next of kin
with an appropriate ceremony. New recommendations for the 9/11 Ribbon are not
authorized. Specifically, it
may be awarded to the following authorized personnel:
(1) Coast Guard units that shifted Operational Control (OPCON) to
amount of time between 11 September 2001 and 11 September 2002.
(2) All personnel involved in patrolling harbors, critical infrastructure
escorting high-interest vessels, and conducting boardings of
vessels entering U.S.
waters during the period of 11 September 2001 and
11 September 2002.
Participation in these operations must be no less than
14 days.
(3) All personnel, to include active, reserve, auxiliary, and civilian personnel,
manned or augmented for no less than 14 days, Coast Guard, DOT,
FEMA and
DoD command centers (including Operations Centers at CG
Groups and above;
COTP ICS, FEMA Regional Operations Centers, and
VTS) between 11
September 2001 and 11 September 2002.
b. Submission Requirements. Commanding Officers of eligible Coast
Guard units
shall submit a complete list of all members who have participated
in any of the
above events with a brief overall description of the unit’s involvement, to their Area
Commanders via the chain of command.
Authorized Devices: None |