Coast Guard Recruiting Service Ribbon.
a. Eligibility requirements. Awarded to Coast Guard personnel as follows:
(1) Active duty personnel who successfully complete a PCS tour of at least two
consecutive years of duty in recruiting are eligible for the award. The award is
retroactive to those personnel who have successfully completed at least two
consecutive years of duty in recruiting on or after 1 January 1980.
(2) Inactive duty reserve personnel who complete recruiter personnel qualification
standards and drill at or augment a recruiting office for a minimum of two years are eligible for the award. All service after 1 January 1980 may be credited. Only
one award may be earned by inactive duty reserve personnel; subsequent awards
are not authorized for continued service under this criterion.
b. Issuance. The Commanding Officer, Coast Guard Recruiting Command, will issue
the award upon the completion of the first two years of an initial recruiting tour on or
after 26 January 2003. All subsequent awards will be issued upon successful
completion of additional tours of recruiting. In cases of extensions to second or
subsequent tours in recruiting, award eligibility will be granted upon final tour
Authorized Devices: Bronze Star, Silver Star |