Marksmanship Medals and Ribbons.
a. Eligibility. Expert medals and marksmanship ribbons will be awarded for achieving
specified scores over a prescribed course of fire. The Ordnance
COMDTINST M8000.2 (series), provides complete information regarding
qualification requirements for these awards and other marksmanship distinctions.
Marksman, sharpshooter, or expert awards are permanent. An individual’s award
will be upgraded when a higher qualifying score is fired; however, awards lower
than those previously earned will not be awarded or
(1) Expert Rifleman Medal. Awarded to Coast Guard personnel who qualify as
expert with the service rifle over a prescribed course of fire.
(2) Expert Pistol Shot Medal. Awarded to Coast Guard personnel who qualify
expert with the service pistol over a prescribed course of fire.
(3) Rifle Marksmanship Ribbon. Authorized for each Coast Guard person
qualifies as marksman or better with the service rifle over a prescribed
course of
fire. The ribbon is worn without any device for marksman
(a) A silver “E” will be attached to the ribbon for expert qualification. The
silver “E” is worn when wearing the ribbon only and will not be attached
the Expert medal’s suspension ribbon.
(b) A silver “S” will be attached to the ribbon for sharpshooter qualification.
(4) Pistol Marksmanship Ribbon. Authorized for each Coast Guard person
qualifies as marksman or better with the service pistol of one of the
courses of fire. The ribbon is worn without any device for
(a) A silver “E” will be attached to the ribbon for expert qualification. The
silver “E” is worn when wearing the ribbon only and will not be attached
the Expert medal’s suspension ribbon.
(b) A silver “S” will be attached to the ribbon for sharpshooter qualification.
b. Issuance. Expert Rifleman and Pistol Shot Medals are awarded by district
commanders and commanding officers of headquarters units for initial
only. Ribbons, attachments and miniature medals may be obtained
by the member
from commercial sources.
Authorized Devices: Silver E, Silver S, Gold Target, Bronze Pistol, Silver Pistol |