The purpose of this Chapter is to furnish guidance to the Military Departments in the
processing of recommendations for the MOH.
C2.2.1. The Secretary concerned shall establish procedures for processing
recommendations for the award of the MOH in his or her Military Department.
Minimally, those recommendations shall contain the endorsement of the subordinate
Unified Combatant Commander or the JTF Commander, if involved; the Unified
Combatant Commander concerned; and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. After
endorsement by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the recommendation shall be
referred to the Secretary concerned for appropriate action.
C2.2.2. The Army and Air Force MOH recommendations must be entered formally
into official channels in two years of the act warranting the recommendation, and
awarded in three years (except as provided in title 10 U.S.C. 3744 or 8744 (reference
(e)) and Section 1130 of title 10, U.S.C. (reference (a))). The Navy-Marine Corps
MOH recommendations must be formally entered into official channels in three years
of the act warranting the recommendation, and awarded in five years (except as provided
in Section 6248 of reference (f) and Section 1130 of reference (a)). However, a
Member of Congress can request consideration of a proposal for the award or
presentation of a decoration not previously submitted in a timely fashion under
reference (a).
C2.2.3. Recommendations for award of the MOH disapproved by a Secretary of a
Military Department, or the Secretary of Defense, may only be resubmitted if new,
substantive and material information is provided in the time limits in 10 U.S.C. 3744,
6248, and 8744 (references (e) and (f)). The information forming the basis must have
been previously unknown and not considered by recommending and disapproving
officials. The determination of the existence of new material and substantive
information being a basis for reconsideration may not be delegated below the Secretary
of a Military Department.
C2.2.3.1. The remaining bases for reconsideration are instances in which a
Secretary of a Military Department or the Secretary of Defense determines there is
evidence of material error or impropriety in the original processing or decision on a
recommendation for award of the MOH. Examples of such instances might be loss of
accompanying and/or substantiating documents to the recommendation or proven gender
or racial discrimination. Determination of the existence of material error or
impropriety in the original processing and decision shall not be delegated below the
Secretary of a Military Department. In such cases, the Secretary of Defense shall
determine the need for legislation.
C2.2.3.2. All other instances of reconsideration shall be limited to those in
which the formal recommendation was submitted in statutory time limits, the
recommendation was lost or inadvertently not acted on, and when those facts are
conclusively established by the respective Secretary of a Military Department or other
official delegated appropriate authority. Those provisions are to protect the integrity
and purity of purpose of the MOH by ensuring that all relevant information is submitted
and considered while the actions are fresh in the minds of the witnesses.
When practical, presentation of the MOH shall be made by the President of the United
States, as the Commander in Chief (CINC), in a formal ceremony in Washington, DC.
As such, premature public disclosure of information concerning recommendations,
processing and approval or disapproval actions is a potential source of embarrassment
to those recommended and the Government. Additionally, in the case of approved
recommendations, it could diminish the impact of ceremonies at which the presentation
is made. Therefore, to prevent premature disclosure, the policy of the Department of
Defense is not to comment on any MOH case under consideration. Accordingly, the
processing of MOH recommendations shall be handled on a "FOR OFFICIAL USE
ONLY" basis until the awards are announced officially or are presented.
C2.4.1. Each recipient receives a monthly 400 dollar pension from the Department
of Veterans Affairs (VA).
C2.4.2. Enlisted recipients who retire with 20 or more years of Military Service
receive a 10-percent increase in retired pay, not to exceed the 75 percent maximum.
C2.4.3. Recipients are issued a special MOH Travel and Identification Card signed
by the Secretary of a Military Department. That entitles recipients who are not on
active duty and not military retirees to use space available military air transportation.
C2.4.4. Unlike military personnel and retirees, MOH recipients may wear their
uniforms at any time or place they choose.
C2.4.5. Recipients who are not on active duty and not military retirees are issued a
DoD Identification Card, as are their family members. It authorizes them military
commissary, post exchange, and theater privileges. All of the Services, consistent with
DoD policy, authorize use of morale, welfare, and recreation activities, including
honorary club membership without dues.
C2.4.6. Children of MOH recipients are not subject to quotas if they are qualified
and desire to attend one of the U.S. military academies.
C2.4.7. MOH recipients receive invitations to attend Presidential inaugurations and
accompanying festivities. Military recipients and those who are civil servants have
traditionally been authorized administrative absence instead of chargeable leave to attend.
C2.4.8. The VA provides a special engraved headstone for deceased recipients of
the MOH.
C2.4.9. MOH recipients should be accorded on-base billeting commensurate with
the prestige associated with the MOH.
AP1.1.1. This Appendix contains a brief description of the various decorations that
have been authorized for the Armed Forces of the United States:
AP1.1.2.3. MOH (U.S. Air Force)
AP1. The basis for the U.S. Air Force medal is the legislation
authorizing the U.S. Army medal. It was authorized specifically for the U.S. Air Force
upon enactment of Section 8741 of title 10, U.S.C. (reference (aaa)).
AP1. Awarded pursuant to Section 8741 of title 10, U.S.C.
(reference (aaa)), by the President of the United States in the name of the Congress.
The MOH may be awarded to members of the U.S. Air Force who distinguish
themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their lives above and
beyond the call of duty under any of the following conditions:
AP1. While engaged in an action against an enemy of the
United States.
AP1. While engaged in military operations involving
conflict with an opposing foreign force.
AP1. While serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in
an armed conflict against an opposing armed force in which the United States is not a
belligerent party.
C1.4.5.4. Release and distribute individual Service member’s rank, name, title of
award and legal residence/domicile (voting district and state or city and state as
determined by the Military Department concerned) to the Service member’s
Congressional delegation (Senate and House) when certain decorations are awarded.
This policy shall apply when the Service member is awarded one of the following medals
from the DoD or their respective branch of service:
C1. The Medal of Honor.
C1.4.5.5. Release and distribution of the information in paragraph C1.4.5.4.,
shall be made:
C1. When it will not present a compromise to National Security,
ongoing military operations, or the overall security of the DoD. If the awardee is serving
in an intelligence, counterintelligence, special mission or security position, and/or
involved in sensitive programs or operations or is in a unit or a position that frequently
or regularly deploys overseas, the above mentioned information will not be released
without concurrence from the appropriate Service Intelligence/Security Office.
C1 When it will not create an undue risk to the privacy and security
of the awardees and their families. Where such a risk is possible, the information may be
C1. Only after official announcement or presentation of the award
occurs. This is to prevent premature disclosure which could minimize the impact of
C1. With the following statement attached:
The information contained herein is provided to
Congress in the event members wish to convey
congratulations to valorous Service members.
Geographic locations or units of assignment of
awardees, while not classified, may potentially
expose the member to risk if the information is
publicized openly, or released without attention to
C1.4.5.6. The citation and certificate of the awards listed in paragraph C1.4.5.4.,
will not be forwarded to Congress unless specifically requested by a Member of
Congress. Upon receipt of requests for additional information such as information on all
awards, decorations, or citations, the Services shall conduct a security and privacy
review and obtain concurrence to release from appropriate Service Intelligence/Security
officials, as well as their Privacy Office. In those situations where Services believe there
could be a risk or a compromise to national security, the information will be sanitized by
removing or rewording the identifying particulars or the release may be denied. This
applies to all requests for award citations listed in paragraph C1.4.5.4. The Office of
USD(I) is available to assist Service Intelligence/Security officials in review of those
releases where security and potential compromise of intelligence-related information is
an issue. The cover statement put forth in paragraph C1. must accompany all
citation and certificate information provided to Congress.
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