The Army Sea Duty Ribbon is awarded to members of the Active Army, Army National
Guard (ARNG), and United States Army Reserve (USAR) for completion
of designated periods of sea duty aboard
Class A and Class B United States Army Vessels (USAV) as defined in AR 56–9, table 1–1. The Army Sea Duty Ribbon (ASDR) is also
authorized to be awarded for duty aboard other qualifying vessels
when the vessels meet the requirements of AR
600–88, paragraph 1–7.
a. Description. The Army Sea Duty Ribbon (ASDR) consists of the basic ribbon
with bronze service star appurtenances which signify the
completion of respective periods of qualifying sea duty.
b. Requirements for award.
(1) For active duty members. Active duty members must complete two years of cumulative sea duty on a Class A or
B USAV or for duty aboard other qualifying vessels when such vessels meet the requirements of AR 600–88,
paragraph 1–7,
to be awarded the Army Sea Duty Ribbon (ASDR). Subsequent awards are
authorized upon completion of additional two years of
cumulative sea duty as
outlined above.
(2) For ARNG and USAR members. Members of the ARNG and USAR must
have two creditable years in a US
Army watercraft unit, which must include a
minimum of 25 days underway during each year and two annual training
exercises underway on a Class A or B USAV or a 90-day deployment aboard a USAV, underway. Subsequent awards
are authorized upon completion of additional
qualifying periods of sea duty as outlined above.
(3) For mobilized Soldiers. One year of sea duty as a mobilized solider will be credited toward one creditable year
as long as the minimum underway requirement is met.
Authorized Devices: Bronze Star, Silver Star, Gold Star