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Philippine Presidential Unit Citation
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a. World War I1

(1) Authorization. Headquarters Philippine National Defense Force G.O. No. 500 of 29 October 1948 and No. 152 of 7 March 1951.

(2) Philippine Presidential Unit Citation Medal Eligibility Requirements. Approved by SECNAV for wear by members of the Naval Service serving in units engaged in the defense of the Philippines between 7 December 1941 and 5 May 1942; serving in units which participated in the liberation campaigns during 1944 and 1945; or serving in certain submarines which had maintained physical contact with guerrilla forces during the Japanese occupation of the Philippine Islands. All ships and units that earned any of the Philippine engagement stars are eligible for this award.

b. Disaster Relief Operations

(1) Authorization

(a) SECNAV letter Ser 0182 of 29 April 1971 approved acceptance of the award for the following units:

Navy Disaster Task Force 01 Sep 70 to 14 Dec 70

Navy and Marine Corps Units of Joint 01 Aug 70 to 15 Dec 70

U.S. Military Advisory Group, Philippines Amphibious Ready Group Alpha 21 Oct 70 to 26 Oct 70

(b) SECNAV letter Ser 1582 of 9 January 1973 approved acceptance of the award for Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative Philippine Disaster Task Force and U.S. Disaster Task Force Manila for the period 21 July to 15 August 1972.

(c) SECNAV letter Ser 1650 NDBDM/1665 of 16 December 1987 approved acceptance of the award for Task Element (Operation MERCY MISSION) for the period 20 March to 28 May 1987.

(d) SECNAV letter Ser 1650 NDBDM/1959 of 18 August 1992 approved acceptance of the award for U.S. Naval Hospital, Subic Bay for the period 1 August 1987 to 30 November 1991 and for USS STERETT (CG 31) for the period May 1989 to June 1991.

(2) Eligibility Requirements. Approved by SECNAV for wear by Navy and Marine Corps personnel attached to the units listed above or any of the authorized supporting units. Lists of eligible units are maintained by CNO and CMC.

(3) Subsequent Awards. Personnel who qualify for more than one award of the Philippine Republic Presidential Unit Citation are authorized to wear a 3/16 inch bronze star for each subsequent award.

Authorized Devices: Bronze Star
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Awarded the Philippine Presidential Unit Citation
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